Dr Cristina Renzi

Cristina is a public health physician and clinical epidemiologist with a specific research interest in the evaluation of diagnostic pathways and factors influencing the timely diagnosis of cancer. Cristina has dedicated increasing attention to studying the complex links between pre-existing chronic diseases and the diagnosis of cancer. In her role as principal investigator of a Cancer Research UK Early Diagnosis Advisory Group grant her work has focused in particular on evaluating opportunities for reducing emergency cancer diagnosis.
Using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, she has also evaluated possible unintended consequences of an ‘all-clear’ diagnosis, highlighting the importance of safety-netting and ongoing vigilance by both patients and doctors after diagnostic investigations. She has been awarded a BMA TP Gunton award for her research in public health relating to cancer.
University College London, UK
Early diagnosis, epidemiology, public health, chronic conditions.
- Conceptualising and measuring patient experience in the diagnosis of cancer
- Diagnostic processes and use of investigations before a cancer diagnosis in patients with comorbidities
- Comorbidities among patients diagnosed with cancer & how they influence the diagnostic process in primary care
- Cancer referral in younger patients – do age threshold guidelines need updating?
- Patterns of clinical investigation before cancer diagnosis in primary care
- SPOtting Cancer among Comorbidities (SPOCC) programme: Supporting clinical decision making in patients with symptoms of cancer and pre-existing conditions
- Changing healthcare utilisation patterns in cancer patients prior to their diagnosis: A literature review to help determine the length of potential diagnostic windows
- Variation in timeliness of diagnostic investigations for symptomatic patients and effect on cancer outcomes: facilitating the implementation of Faster Diagnosis Standards
- The effect of increasing age, frailty and cognitive impairment on time to diagnosis of suspected cancer: a population based electronic health records study
- Renzi C, Kaushal A, Emery J, Hamilton W, Neal RD, Rachet B, Rubin G, Singh H, Walter FM, de Wit NJ, Lyratzopoulos G. Comorbid chronic diseases and cancer diagnosis: disease-specific effects and underlying mechanisms. Nature Reviews: Clinical Oncology, 2019, doi: 10.1038/s41571-019-0249-6
- Renzi C, Lyratzopoulos G, Hamilton W, Maringe C, Bernard R. Contrasting effects of comorbidities on emergency colon cancer diagnosis: a longitudinal data-linkage study in England. BMC Health Services Research, 2019; 19:311
- Renzi C, Lyratzopoulos G, Hamilton W, Rachet B. Opportunities for reducing emergency diagnoses of colon cancer in women and men: a data-linkage study on pre-diagnostic symptomatic presentations and benign diagnoses. Eur Journal Cancer Care. 2019. e13000. doi: 10.1111/ecc.13000
- Forster AS, Renzi C, Lyratzopoulos G. Diagnosing cancer in patients with ‘non-alarm’ symptoms: Learning from diagnostic care innovations in Denmark. Cancer Epidemiology, 2018; 54, 101-103
- Salika T, Abel GA, Mendonca SC, von Wagner C, Renzi C, Herbert A, McPhail S, Lyratzopoulos G. Associations between diagnostic pathways and care experience in colorectal cancer: evidence from patient-reported data. Frontline Gastroenterology 2018;9:241-248
- Kaushal A, Waller J, von Wagner C, Kummer S, Whitaker K, Puri A, Lyratzopoulos G, Renzi C. The role of chronic conditions in influencing symptom attribution and anticipated help-seeking for potential lung cancer symptoms: a vignette-based study. BJGP Open, 2020, doi: 10.3399/bjgpopen20X101086
- Renzi C, Lyratzopoulos G. Comorbidity and the diagnosis of symptomatic-but-as-yet-undiagnosed cancer. Br J Gen Pract. 2020;70(698):e598-e599
- Koo MM, Swann R, McPhail S, Abel GA, Renzi C, Rubin GP, Lyratzopoulos G. The prevalence of chronic conditions in patients diagnosed with one of 29 common and rarer cancers: A cross-sectional study using primary care data. Cancer Epidemiology, 2020, 69: 101845, doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2020.101845
- Herbert A, Rafiq M, Pham TM, Renzi C, Abel GA, Price S, et al. Predictive values for different cancers and inflammatory bowel disease of 6 common abdominal symptoms among more than 1.9 million primary care patients in the UK: A cohort study. PLoS Med, 2021; 18(8): e1003708. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1003708
- Koo MM, Swann R, McPhail S, Abel GA, Renzi C, Rubin GP, Lyratzopoulos G. Morbidity and measures of the diagnostic process in primary care for patients subsequently diagnosed with cancer. Family Practice. 2021 Nov 30. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmab139
- Jones D, Di Martino E, Bradley SH, Essang B, Hemphill S, Wright JM, Renzi C, Surr C, Clegg A, De Wit N, Neal R. Factors affecting the decision to investigate older adults with potential cancer symptoms: a systematic review. British Journal of General Practice 2022; 72 (714): e1-e10. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2021.0257
- Erridge S, Lyratzopoulos G, Renzi C, Millar A, Lee R. Rapid Diagnostic Centres and early cancer diagnosis. British Journal of General Practice 2021; 71 (712): 487-488. doi: 10.3399/bjgp21X717413
- di Martino E, Smith L, Bradley SH, Hemphill S, Wright J, Renzi C, Bergin R, Emery J, Neal RD. Incidence trends for twelve cancers in younger adults—a rapid review. Br J Cancer (2022). doi: 10.1038/s41416-022-01704-x
- White B, Renzi C, Rafiq M, Abel GA, Jensen H, Lyratzopoulos G. Does changing healthcare use signal opportunities for earlier detection of cancer? A review of studies using information from electronic patient records, Cancer Epidemiology, 2021, 102072, ISSN 1877-7821, doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2021.102072
- Rafiq M, Abel G, Renzi C, Lyratzopoulos G. Inflammatory marker testing in primary care in the year before Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis: a UK population-based case–control study in patients aged ≤50 years. British Journal of General Practice; 72 (721): e546-e555. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2021.0617
- Benitez Majano S, Lyratzopoulos G, de Wit NJ, White B, Rachet B, Helsper C, Usher-Smith J, Renzi C. Mental Health Morbidities and Time to Cancer Diagnosis Among Adults With Colon Cancer in England. JAMA Network Open 2022; 5(10):e2238569. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.38569
- White B, Renzi C, Barclay M, Lyratzopoulos G. Underlying cancer risk among patients with fatigue and other vague symptoms in primary care: a population-based cohort study. British Journal of General Practice 31 Oc 2022. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2022.0371
- Black GB, van Os S, Renzi C, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Whitaker KL. How does safety netting for lung cancer symptoms help patients to reconsult appropriately? A qualitative study. BMC Prim. Care 23, 179 2022. doi: 10.1186/s12875-022-01791-y
- Rafiq M, Abel G, Renzi C, Lyratzopoulos G. Steroid prescribing in primary care increases prior to Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis: A UK nationwide case-control study. Cancer Epidemiology 2022, Vol 81, 102284. doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2022.102284
- Jones D, Di Martino E, Bradley SH, Essang B, Hemphill S, Wright JM, Renzi C, Surr C, Clegg A, Neal R. Factors influencing symptom appraisal and help-seeking of older adults with possible cancer: a mixed-methods systematic review. British Journal of General Practice 2022; 72 (723): e702-e712. doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2021.0655