Dr Stephanie Honey

Stephanie is a research fellow with the CanTest team, based at the University of Leeds. Her background is applied health research in primary and secondary care and she is particularly interested in qualitative research. She is enthusiastic about using diverse approaches to research such as realistic evaluation and co-production. She is working on the CanImpact study (the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer detection in primary care). She previously worked on the ACTIVATE (the use of the SOMAscan assay for diabetes prevention) study, the CREATE (collaborative rehabilitation environments in acute stroke) study, a realist process evaluation of robotic surgery and the IMPROVE-PC (improving prevention of vascular disease in primary care) study. Before that she worked as a research facilitator with NHS Bradford and Airedale. She also continues to practice as a staff nurse on medical elderly wards and care homes, on an occasional basis, in order to retain a view from the ‘coal face’ of healthcare. She completed her PhD at Manchester University. Her thesis looked at the effects of NHS interpreting services on the citizenship of Black and Asian minority ethnic patients in the greater Manchester area.
University of Leeds
Qualitative research