CanImpact: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer detection in primary care

Start Date Jun 2020

Code C13-Aff

Status Ongoing

Project Lead
Senior Lead
Prof Richard Neal (Leeds), Prof Greg Rubin (Newcastle), Dr Suzanne Scott (KCL), Prof Yoryos Lyratzopoulos (UCL), Prof Willie Hamilton (Exeter), Prof Stephen Duffy (QMUL), Dr Stephanie Archer, Dr Natalia Calanzani (both Cambridge), Dr Stephanie Honey (Leeds)

The likely impact of COVID-19 restrictions on cancer diagnosis and management across the UK have been well described recently (Jones et al., 2020). Key issues include:

The effects of the pandemic may have a long-lasting effect upon patient and clinician behaviour:

We will use qualitative approaches to gain a deeper understanding of these effects on patient appraisal and help-seeking for possible symptoms of cancer, and on GP management and diagnostic strategies for their patients with possible symptoms of cancer.

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